What my clients have to say
“The initial assessment report was very concise and helpful”
“Dear Jo, many, many thanks for all the help you have given me. You have been a joy to work with.”
“Thank you for all your help and encouragement, which made such a big difference in my life. I really looked forward to you coming, knowing that each visit brought me a little closer to the recovery we are all working towards.”
“Thank you so much for all your encouragement. I really appreciate your advice on various matters. I feel I will get back to work OK and I’m now confident to carry out my role”
“With Jo, it was doing things practically, right from the word “go”. The first thing’ my husband and I expected was that a handrail would be installed on our stairs and so did everyone else. They made me come down the stairs and I was absolutely terrified and frightened, but she was absolutely right, I didn’t need the handrail…..I also wanted to get back to volunteering. Jo took the time to find out about volunteering opportunities that I would be able to do. I was very worried about how much of the person I was before the stroke, but Jo’s catchphrase was “never say never” and that has become something I think about as well”.
“I will remember my first unaccompanied trip on the bus when it sailed past the stop where you were waiting for me!” Your kindness in spending time finding out about returning to employment and what I could do again. Thank you, Jo, for everything you have done for me”.
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